Data protection

The Compensatory Fund of Securities Trading Companies (also known as EdW) processes personal data in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and other applicable legal regulations.

Insofar as personal data is collected on EdW's online presence, it is processed in line with the specified purpose and in accordance with statutory provisions.

When users access EdW'sonline presence, EdW does not store any data nor does it conduct any statistical evaluation of data records.

Data is not disclosed to third parties and therefore is not available for further processing.

If you send us an email, your email address is only used for correspondence with you. Communication via email does not offer guaranteed security. For example, emails sent to EdW may be intercepted and read. If we receive an email from you, we assume that we are entitled to respond to you by email. If not, you must expressly state your preferred channel of communication.

The following party is responsible:

EntschädigungseinrichtungderWertpapierhandelsunternehmen (EdW)
Charlottenstr. 33/33a
D-10117 Berlin
Tel: 030 20 36 99 - 5626
Fax: 030 20 36 99 - 5630

You can reach our company data protection manager at:

KfW Bankengruppe
Palmengartenstr. 5 - 9
D-60325 Frankfurt